The Various Benefits of Turmeric for Your Body

Turmeric is one of the kinds of food ingredients that has a unique taste and color. Not only used as seasoning, turmeric also has many benefits for your healthy that can be gained from the curcumin and essential oil it possesses. Some of the chemical compound that makes turmeric beneficial for your body are arabinose, fructose, glucose, calcium, cobalt, curcumin and essential oil. Each and every single one of them are beneficial for the body. Curcumin also has a role as something that brings the orangish yellow color on turmeric.

The various benefits of turmeric for your body
 The Various Benefits of Turmeric for the Body.

Other than used to solve digestive problems, turmeric surprisingly has a lot of other benefits that you might not be aware of. Starting from easing inflammation to antidote for snake’s venom, here are the benefits that turmeric has:

1.         Ease inflammation

The active substance curcumin in turmeric is an antioxidant that contain strong anti-inflammatory potential. There are 200 milligrams of curcumin on average in one tea spoon fresh grinded or powdered turmeric.

Curcumin is believed to blockade cytokine and the enzyme responsible for inflammation on the body. It’s also believed to ease inflammation by reducing histamine’s level while also increasing the production of cortisone on adrenal glands.

From there, various preclinical tests from The AAPS Journal report the promising benefits of turmeric for inflammatory diseases. From cancer, cardiovascular diseases, acute coronary, join aches, atherosclerosis and diabetes.

2.         Treatment for gastritis

Turmeric have been a popular natural medicine for digestive problems in a long time. Therefore, when gastritis is acting up there’s no harm in sipping a cup of warm turmeric tea to ease the pain a little.

Gastritis can be triggered by the appearance of a wound in the stomach that’s caused by H. pylori, consuming pain relief medicine for the long term, cigarettes, alcohol and certain foods. The things mentioned above can chip away the intestines protective layer and thus triggering a reflux of gastric acid. 

A study from the journal Pharmacognosy Reviews observers the effect that curcumin has in healing inflammation caused by a wound in the stomach and protecting said wound by increasing the production of protective mucus in the stomach. 

Other than that, an article from Systematic Reviews’ journal said that turmeric helps reduce the frequency of a gastritis relapse. This is because turmeric also works in controlling the production of excess gastric acid and bile.

3.         Treats stomach bloating

Flatulence is a sign that your digestive system is good and healthy, but an excess one means that there is something wrong with your stomach.

Another benefit of turmeric is that it also helps the muscles in your digestive systems to work as it should, reducing the gas pressure in your stomach. Turmeric also helps the stomach stops producing

4.         Alleviate irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an inflammation in the large intestine that causes long term digestive problems. If said inflammation causes the intestine to contracts one too many times, it will result in chronic diarrhea, and if the inflammation makes it so that the intestine rarely contracts, the result will be chronic constipation. 

Taking a conclusion from many different researches, turmeric is stated as a safe and easily tolerable medicine to those suffering from IBS. The research from Singapore in the Journal of Clinical Medicine in 2018 showed that turmeric alleviates the intensity of stomach-ache that’s caused by IBS.

This potential is found from the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property that curcumin has. The same research has also found another benefit of turmeric in stabilizing the good bacterial colonies in intestine.

5.         Reduces nausea

When processed with black pepper, turmeric is said to be a potent medicine in reducing nausea. A study from the Journal Food in 2017 proves that adding black pepper helps the benefits this spice to be more potent. This is because after being consumed, the curcumin in turmeric is slow to be absorbed to the blood flow. This is what’s causing you to lose the benefits of turmeric.

The research then shows that the piperine in black pepper increase the absorption rate of curcumin faster by two thousand percent, making it ready to be used by the body. Piperine also slows the breaking process of curcumin by the human heart. Eases the pain from menstruation

The next benefit from turmeric is that is serves as a pain relief for women in menstruation. The curcumin in turmeric is a natural analgesic that works by relaxing the contraction in women’s womb. Other than that curcumin also reduces inflow of ion calcium on uterine epithelium cell while also reduces the production of prostaglandin, the hormones that are responsible for the feeling of pain and inflammation.

6.         A way to control blood sugar levels

Other research has shown that turmeric extract supplements help increase insulin’s function, stabilizing blood level and making diabetes easier to handle. This then helps reduces the risk of complications related to diabetes that’s caused by inflammation. But more clinic tests are needed to ensure the benefit of turmeric for diabetes.

Those are some benefits of turmeric that we can provide. Turmeric surely do have a lot of uses and benefits for our body as a human being.


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  1. Good work , keep it up

  2. Good work , keep it up

  3. Good work , keep it up

  4. Very nicely written 👌


    I mix turmeric powder, about a bit less than a third of teaspoon, when cooking rice. It gives it a nice light yellow color. I just mix it with the water.


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